Sale and purchase contract is a contract which resulted in
the transfer of ownership and authority over goods/assets from a seller to a
buyer. In the classical Fiqh literature, one of the terms of the sale required
there is al-qabdlu (asset acceptance).
Without al-qabdlu, then the ulama
Syafi'iyah circles agreed that selling is not valid.
According to the Maliki madhhab, the transfer of property
rights occurs if the buyer already has the authority in utilizing the
goods/assets even though there hasn't been an element of qabdlu. Still,
according to the Malikiyyah, goods or assets here are not limited to include '
of aqar (goods not moving, such as paddy
fields, land, vineyards, etc.), or manqul
(chattels). However, the Hanbali madhhab
requires absolutely that the occurrence of a transfer of ownership begins when
buyers already qabdlu (accepting assets)
before he exploits it. This difference
brings swept up against the question of the furu
' later. Among his own Syafi'iyah al-qabdlu
became one of the terms is absolutely legitimate.
What the heck qabdlu
From the terminology of the language, qabdlu means holding or grasping. Synonym of qabdlu in terms of Fiqh is naqd, munajazah,
hiyazah, yadd,
yadd bi yadd,
haq and haq,
qada ' wa iqtida '. But according to
terms, as presented by Ibn al-Jawzi in al-Qawanînu al-Fiqhiyyah: 328, al-qabdlu
ة الشيء والتمكن منه
سواء كان التمكن باليد،
أو بعدم المانع
من الاستيلاء عليه،
وهو ما يسمى
بالتخلية أو القبض
It means: "ownership of assets or rights of use of an
asset, which is received with the direct handover of the hand, or in the
absence of a barrier to control it."
In other words, that al-qabdlu
was a mastery over assets by buyers who caused him to legal action against the
assets, such as tasharruf, sell, and others, as well as receive the benefits or
bear the risks resulting from ownership.
As the development of the times and technological advances,
the practice of buying and selling were also experiencing influence.
Reconstruction practice of buying and selling can only be done with the road
met directly between buyer and seller, or through the intermediary of the
seller or the buyer's Deputy Representative, but this time the media has been
developing and selling through online media, or other
similar medium, such as the Indonesia stock exchange, in which the
object of sale and purchase.
If at the beginning of the treatise it conveys the
prophetic, the practice of buying and selling can be done directly with the
media money and goods, or through the practice of barter goods with the object
in the form of concrete goods (in 797). But in the current era, and selling done through objects in the form of securities,
documents, notes, checks, etc.
Notice any changes to objects of different goods sold with
objects early treatise, then later the fuqaha
' group the sale into two, namely bai ' and ' bai hukmi haqiqi. Acceptance of
the authority of goods is also carried out in two ways i.e. essential qabdlu and qabdlu
hukmi. In Majma ' al-Fiqh al-Islam Number
53 with others opinion Wahbah Al-Sheikh Zuhaili, submitted that:
القبض في بيع
العملات إما حقيقي وإما
أما القبض الحقيقي فيتم
بنحو حسي ملموس بالأخذ
باليد ، أو
الكيل ، أو
الوزن في الطعام
، أو النقل
والتحويل إلى حوزة القابضوأما
القبض الحكمي فهو كل
ما تتحقق به
الحيازة والتمكن من التصرف
، بحسب العرف
السائد ، من
غير تناول باليد
أو قبض حسي
It means: "Al-Qabdlu in trading securities, there are
times when haqiqi (legal ownership), and
there are times when hukmi (beneficial
ownership). Al-qabdlu al-haqiqi is completing the transfer of ownership
of the goods are traditionally through the touch, received by hand, measured,
weighed, a food, move or lead to mastery of the buyer. While al-qabdlu al-hukmi
is anything stating the occurrence of a transfer
of property rights or rights to manage assets according to ' urf in force
without the involvement of elements of the hand or the traditional acceptance.
(Read: Ijtihad for Islamic banking in the cases Bai'u and
Qabdlu Hukmi Hukmi)
In modern ta'rif
according to among economists, qabdlu in the term as haqiqi
full ownership/valid and recognized by
the laws that apply, along with moving the name officially in the top of the
document property. While qabdlu hukmi, often they will term it as beneficial
ownership. The status of assets through qabdlu
hukmi is almost similar to qabdlu haqiqi,
however, there are some specific
differences there.
For example for qabdlu
haqiqi, was selling a motor vehicle. If a
buyer has paid to the dealer an amount of money that is required, then he is
entitled to get the motorcycle, with a valid power of attorney over ownership
recognized by the State.
As for the example of qabdlu,
a customer is hukmi PLN (the State
electrical Company), who volunteered the installation of electricity in his
home. All purchases include the fulfillment of requirements already metered
electric tools must be installed. The status of ownership of electricity also
on behalf of the customer. However, in some use rights, it turns out he is
limited by the PLN, that if he could not afford to pay the electricity, PLN
could disconnect the electricity and simultaneously bring the device. The true
ownership of the device status is already in the name of himself in the
document, but the practice still belongs
to PLN. this later by the fuqaha ' are
named with the term qabdlu hukmi or by economists have termed as
beneficial ownership, i.e. on the basis of utilization of kepemilakan.
Because the status qabdluhukmi is beneficial ownership, the basic
benefit, then it is usually in the banking practice, the term is used for
transactions with practices that resemble a murabaha
qabdlu haqiqi.
Does this include hukmi
qabdlu that should be implemented for
transactions nowadays?
In Majma ' Fiqh Islami, decision number 53 (4/6), mentioned
that for some cases transactions, in order to keep the benefit and avoid losses, qabdlu
hukmi as part the mandatory to implement.
As for guidelines implementation is ' urf (Customs) that applies to the
company/institution. For example, on top of already submitted for the case of
PLN. How do with banking?
In the case of banking, amaliyah
practice selling murabaha is applicable
when there is a client need to do lending to banks. Because Akkadian mudayyanah can reduce capital, and Islamic
banks do not have a compelling interest to the customer, then the contract was
undertaken through murabaha sale contract
with tawarruq, bai'u al-' uhdah, or bai '
al-syarth bi as REPO transactions as
cases that have been explained earlier.
The customer's ownership of an item, awarded in the sales documents and entrusted to the bank via the
document anyway. Furthermore, the customer receives the proceeds via a
transaction on top of the document, in the form of credit goods he had installment as the agreement that he did with the
banks and banks with a Dealer who is believed by the Bank.
And Allah knows best.
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