Ramadan is where Muslims are given special time from God Almighty to reflect on themselves and fosters his spiritual side. However, most of us interpret only the month of Ramadan as the month in which Muslims fast during a full moon. It's true, Muslims are prohibited from eating and drinking until the sun sets during a full moon, though actually fasting is more than that.
To bear in mind the meaning of fasting in fact, here are some things you should know:
1. Refrain from all emotions
In addition to resisting thirst and hunger, in this sacred month of fasting, it is advisable to also resist the temptation away from any form of emotion. Anger, lust, and the excess of emotion can be wasted activity fast. Therefore, Muslims are encouraged to spend more time to worship, tadarusan, apologized to others and gave the apology to the fellow.
2. Resist the urge to not gossiping
Indeed there is nothing good in gossiping, let alone when Ramadan arrived. Because, the Prophet Muhammad shalallahu'alaihi Wassalam never said, "Avoid ye deed by" Backbiting ". Because of the greater sin "Backbiting" than adultery. A person sometimes adultery and then repent to Allaah and exalted and received his repentance by God. Are people who do "Backbiting", he will not be forgiven until he "Backbiting" forgive him ". [Ihya Ulumiddin, Imam Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad Al Ghazali, vol. 4, p. 411]
3. Do worship at their best, and ready to greet the night a thousand months
Laylat Al-Qadr, certainly as Muslims familiar with the true best night in a thousand that month. Holy Night anticipated for every night the Muslim human beings the glory that can only be purchased with the practices of good deeds, such as fasting, recitations, tadarrus Al-Quran, prayer, Dhikr, muhasabah themselves and charities with more for yourself and others. Do worship at their best in this Ramadan, God willing if you continue to be devoted to God Almighty, you have a chance to get a special blessing of the laylat Al-Qadr.
4. The Month of the Qur'an
Ramadan is a time of decline in Al-Qur'an. Nuzulul Qur'an or night told the revelation to Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel.
5. The time is meritorious
Do not waste the Ramadan with just scatter money shopping for new clothes, delicious food but you forget yourself for charity. Undoubtedly the fast you are going down the drain. Truly truly awesome reward if your charity in the month of Ramadan.
6. Not all of the people obliged to fast
Although fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, the Almighty God gave special privileges to those who are sick, kids who haven't reached puberty, pregnant and lactating women, menstruation or people who have to travel a long way and it is not possible- for fasting. They may choose to replace it later in the day or pay a fidyah, which means they are going to feed people who cannot afford.
7. Colon Detox
During the fast, any toxins stored in body fat is dissolved and removed from the body. A number of the journal of health records, fasting in the month of Ramadan can clear the stomach, intestines, and other digestive organs rest. That is why Ramadan was greeted positively by paramedics. If done correctly, fasting can release endorphins that enhance mental health and detoxification organ.
To bear in mind the meaning of fasting in fact, here are some things you should know:
1. Refrain from all emotions
In addition to resisting thirst and hunger, in this sacred month of fasting, it is advisable to also resist the temptation away from any form of emotion. Anger, lust, and the excess of emotion can be wasted activity fast. Therefore, Muslims are encouraged to spend more time to worship, tadarusan, apologized to others and gave the apology to the fellow.
2. Resist the urge to not gossiping
Indeed there is nothing good in gossiping, let alone when Ramadan arrived. Because, the Prophet Muhammad shalallahu'alaihi Wassalam never said, "Avoid ye deed by" Backbiting ". Because of the greater sin "Backbiting" than adultery. A person sometimes adultery and then repent to Allaah and exalted and received his repentance by God. Are people who do "Backbiting", he will not be forgiven until he "Backbiting" forgive him ". [Ihya Ulumiddin, Imam Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad Al Ghazali, vol. 4, p. 411]
3. Do worship at their best, and ready to greet the night a thousand months
Laylat Al-Qadr, certainly as Muslims familiar with the true best night in a thousand that month. Holy Night anticipated for every night the Muslim human beings the glory that can only be purchased with the practices of good deeds, such as fasting, recitations, tadarrus Al-Quran, prayer, Dhikr, muhasabah themselves and charities with more for yourself and others. Do worship at their best in this Ramadan, God willing if you continue to be devoted to God Almighty, you have a chance to get a special blessing of the laylat Al-Qadr.
4. The Month of the Qur'an
Ramadan is a time of decline in Al-Qur'an. Nuzulul Qur'an or night told the revelation to Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel.
5. The time is meritorious
Do not waste the Ramadan with just scatter money shopping for new clothes, delicious food but you forget yourself for charity. Undoubtedly the fast you are going down the drain. Truly truly awesome reward if your charity in the month of Ramadan.
6. Not all of the people obliged to fast
Although fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, the Almighty God gave special privileges to those who are sick, kids who haven't reached puberty, pregnant and lactating women, menstruation or people who have to travel a long way and it is not possible- for fasting. They may choose to replace it later in the day or pay a fidyah, which means they are going to feed people who cannot afford.
7. Colon Detox
During the fast, any toxins stored in body fat is dissolved and removed from the body. A number of the journal of health records, fasting in the month of Ramadan can clear the stomach, intestines, and other digestive organs rest. That is why Ramadan was greeted positively by paramedics. If done correctly, fasting can release endorphins that enhance mental health and detoxification organ.
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